2023: SNSF “QuantifyingSexualHealth: Application of Consumer Mobile & Wearable Devices and Mobile Applications for Sexual Health Assessment”

Sexual health is an important determinant of an individual’s health and life quality in the long term. We will involve healthy adult individuals’ in an explorative, observational pilot research study enabling us to understand better the patterns of use of mobile applications and services in the context of sexual health. We would specifically like to understand individuals’ experiences and the factors influencing them in the context of their use for sexual health. We will leverage mixed-methods research combining real-world qualitative and quantitative data from self-reports with qualitative data acquired via wearables and mobile apps. By studying this, we hope to research and develop objective, privacy-preserving, context-aware computational methods for assessing human sexual health to be leveraged in research and clinical practice. The project will be hosted at the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford University and Stanford School of Medicine. The project will benefit from the collaborative efforts of personalized medicine, epidemiology, population health, and obstetrics and gynecology experts. We plan for this pilot project to be continued at a large scale via an externally funded study (i.e., NIH, SNSF SINERGIA).

Principal Investigators

University of Geneva, Switzerland 
Prof. Katarzyna Wac, GSEM, CUI, QoL Technologies Lab Director

Stanford University, USA
Prof. Michael Snyder, Stanford W. Ascherman Professor, Chair, Department of Genetics and Director, Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine

The project is funded by the Swiss NSF.

This project is now recruiting participants in Geneva and Stanford areas.

Study recruitment: https://staging.qualityoflifetechnologies.com/living-lab/mobile-apps/sante-sexuelle/