MSc. Alexander Horst

Alexander Horst is a Ph.D. student and member of the Quality of Life Lab at the Institute of Service Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland, since September 2023. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Camerino, Italy, and a Master’s degree in Business Information Systems from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

He is also a member of Swissmedic’s Innovation Lab 4.0, which serves as an experimentation space for change and innovation at the intersection of health and technology. In this role, he works on various natural language processing projects, including detecting safety signals in biomedical texts and performing risk assessments of incoming incident reports using transformers. Concurrently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. under the guidance of Professor Wac, focusing on Real World Data in the field of migraine and potentially cancer.

Prof. Katarzyna Wac
Tél.: +41 22 379 02 46
Full Professor
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Dr. Anna Ferrari
Scientific Collaborator
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MSc. Igor Matias
PhD student / Assistant
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MSc. Jing Z. Forrest
PhD student (external)
MSc. Alexander Horst
PhD student (external)
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MSc. Melissa Ouellet
PhD student (external)
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Zeynep Caysar
BSc student / Assistant
Dr. Pawel Prociow
Visiting Scholar
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B.A. Sharon Wulfovich
Medical Research Fellow
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